Occupational Education Data Survey (OEDS Data) For New York


Reporting Period July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023 July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024
New enrollment 55 84
Still enrolled from previous year 10 12
Total students in program during reporting period 65 76
Still enrolled/continuing into the next reporting period 6 28
Non-completers 15 13
Graduates 54 37
Graduate Placement Data  
Employed: Related Field 39  
Employed: Slightly Related Field 4  
Employed: Unrelated Field 0  
Employed: Military 0  
Seeking Employment 0  
Pursuing Additional Education 0  
Other, Unavailable for Employment 0  
Status Unknown 0  
State of New York
Written & Practical Pass / Fail Report
7/1/22 - 6/30/23
Written & Practical
Total Tested Number Passed Number Failed Percent Passed
20 20 0 100%
State of New York
Written & Practical Pass / Fail Report
7/1/23 - 6/30/24
Written & Practical
Total Tested Number Passed Number Failed Percent Passed
11 11 0 100%